
ISO 14001  – Environmental Management Systems

ISO 14001, an international standard, specifies the requirements of an effective EMS (environmental management system). It establishes a framework within which an organization can operate, and not environmental performance requirements.

ISO 14001 can be certified by organizations as part of the ISO 14000 set of standards on environmental management. To further support organizational goals, it can be integrated with other management systems standards such as ISO 9001.

The International Organization for Standardization defines a “part” of an environmental management program as “parts of the management systems used to manage environmental issues, fulfill compliance obligations to address risks and opportunity, and address risk and opportunities.”

Who Should Use ISO 14001 2015 Revision?

All organizations that wish to establish, improve, or maintain a system of environmental management to comply with their environmental policy and other requirements should follow ISO 14001, 2015. The requirements of the standard may be integrated into any environmental management program. The extent of this can vary depending on the organization’s industry and environmental policy as well as its location.

ISO 14001-2015 applies to all companies, regardless of the size, location, sector, or industry.

What Topics Cover ISO 14001,2015?

The context of the organization

  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Operation
  • Performance evaluation
  • Improvement
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Framework

14001:2004 Vs. 14001:2015

ISO 14001 2015 has many new features that are different from the previous versions. The ISO 14001 presentation, prepared by the ASQ Energy and Environmental Division, provides an in-depth explanation of the changes.

As part of an effort by ISO 14001 to make all ISO standard structures the same, the ISO 14001 2015 revisions include incorporating a required high structure, using mandatory terms, and incorporating common requirements and clauses.

Major Areas Will See The 2015 Revision Have An Impact:

  • Expansion in EMS coverage & scope
  • Interactions are necessary with external parties
  • There are new requirements for leadership engagement
  • Increased legal compliance requirements
  • Not enough risk-based planning or controls
  • Expanded operational control needs
  • Changes to the knowledge and skills requirements
  • Impacts on the Internal Audit Program
  • The accuracy of certifications has increased

Integrated ISO 9001 & ISO 14001

Integrating management-systems standards may increase focus while reducing confusion. ISO 9001 may be enhanced with the corresponding ISO 14001 components.

For the combined standards, some responsibility might include:

It is important to create a policy declaration and quantify the objectives.

Setting up job titles and organizational charts

Affordable resources

Document control system for managing both standard documentation

Appointing a management representative, as well as coordinators of the quality and environmental management system.

Additions of ISO 14001 components must be planned to consider environmental impact. Also, the inspection and testing system should be modified to verify environmental compliance. The organization must be able to meet environmental expectations set by customers and the government.

ISO 14001 may be integrated with standards other than ISO 9001 to enhance synergy.

What Are The Benefits Of ISO 14001:2015?

ISO 14001 2015 offers many benefits to organizations using the environmental management system. It is a standard that companies and organizations find useful.

  • Improve resource efficiency
  • Reduce waste
  • Reduce costs
  • Assure that the environmental effect is being measured
  • Achieve competitive advantage when designing supply chains
  • Expand your business opportunities
  • Meet legal obligations
  • Increase stakeholder and client trust
  • Improve environmental sustainability
  • With consistency, you can manage environmental obligations

ISO 14001 Certification

Organizations that have ISO 14001 certification can transition to the 2015 version. For organizations that have already achieved ISO 14001 certification, there will be a three-year transition period to ensure they are up-to-date with the new standard.

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Frances Garret