
Having The Right HR Software Solutions For Smes In The Philippines

Investing in a good HR software solution is a crucial factor for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) today.Not only does it digitalize various processes, but it also enforces better functions in every HR department. 

Along with the growth of every organization is the need for greater visibility of senior leaders and HR teams for a more informed decision. This overview can be provided by HR software. It can also help with productivity and growth. 

HR software solutions can act as a strategic partner for other business functions and focus on providing an exceptional employee experience.The ability to quickly find, analyze, and report on people’s information allows HR teams and the senior leaders they support to make better, more strategic, and timely decisions. This helps to improve HR’s reputation in the broader organization.

From managing and optimizing human resources and overall organizational goals, this digital solution has been a great help for SMEs. But what makes the right HR Software Solutions for SMEs in the Philippines?

Features to consider when looking for an HR software company in the Philippines

One thing is clear: there is no universal HR software.

Eachbusiness and industryencounter diversechallenges regardingits HR departments.Some companies need something stable and reliable for their payroll and benefits, while others search for a system that can recruit, hire, and track thousands of new employees monthly. Thus, every company needs to know the core features of an ideal HR system for their business. 

The main features below can help with finding the best HR software companies in the Philippines:

Benefits and Payroll Management 

Not all, but most HR software solutions offer benefits and payroll management services, allowing the HR team to manage payroll and benefits in a digitized manner. 

However, it is essential to note that payroll and HR are often interrelated; hence, it is vital to look for a solution that offers advantages for both. It would be an excellent benefit for SMEs to have HR software that can integrate with the Philippines payroll system. Accessing all information from one platform would make it easier for employees and the HR team.

Repetitive Task Automation

Having the right HR software promotes efficiency as it will eliminate the manual labor of the HR team. With the help of its tools, it is now possible to automate taxes, employee attendance, leave management, claims, payroll, and many more. 

Size of the Company (Small/Medium/Entrepreneur)

Bearing in mind the company’s size is also one of the vital factors to consider when looking for the right HR software.

A small business with 15 employees may not have the same HR needs as an enterprise with 2,000 employees.With a vast range of HR responsibilities for larger companies, it may need more complex functioning HR software. However, small businesses may not be money-wise to acquire HR software with complex features as they require lesser responsibilities for the HR department.

Availability of Mobile Access

Excellent HRIS and payroll package software must be accessible through a free mobile app. The constant development of technology makes mobile devices more relevant than ever, making it ideal to have an HR software system that can be accessed through a mobile app. 

Through an HR software mobile app, employees can utilize self-service tools to access vital information without the hassle HR process. In addition, since some responsibilities are no longer tied to an office with a mobile app, it is now much easier for managers to access, manage, track, complete, and monitor tasks from any location.

HR and Payroll Software for SMEs in the Philippines

The right HR and Payroll software for SMEs can be a considerable advantage, especially for a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME). The right software can reduce the amount of time spent on administrative tasks. The right software will also give the HR team more time to focus on other aspects of their work, such as employee engagement.

GreatDay HR is a localized SunFishDataOn payroll and HR software perfect for SMEs and conglomerates looking to digitize processes and data.

Payroll software for SMEs in the Philippines is essential because it can help manage payroll, benefits, and other human resource-related tasks in one place. It integrates payroll and HR data, eliminating the need for manual data entry. It also helps businesses remotely manage employee devices.

Having an All-in-One HR and Payroll Software

The right HR and payroll software should be easy to use and integrate. An all-in-one HR and payroll software can also help the HR dept manage employees and payroll in one convenient platform. This software automates a variety of tasks, from onboarding to offloading. The HR dept can avoid countless emails and manual processes, which are both time-consuming and costly.

Running a manual and time-consuming payroll can lead to costly mistakes. A modern all-in-one HR and payroll software platform such as GreatDay HR can automate this process and minimize the risk of human errors. 

GreatDay HR is a comprehensive software solution that streamlines HR processes. It can help manage employee leave requests, record attendance, and easily handle payroll. Its gamification feature is a great way to motivate employees. The software also streamlines employee communication through task management and activity tracking. It also offers continuous feedback and analysis capabilities to help the business run more smoothly. Moreover, GreatDay HR is affordable compared to other payroll and HR software packages. 

The software is designed to suit the needs of both SMEs and conglomerates. The affordable pricing makes it a more viable option for small and large businesses in the Philippines. Further, the company offers customizable plans and moderately priced add-ons, allowing businesses to meet their unique needs and budgets.


Choosing an all-in-one HR and paycheck software can significantly reduce HR administration costs and improve employees’ and managers’ overall experience. Cost-effective plan-based pricing is an attractive option for smaller businesses, as it is affordable and flexible enough to help with business growth. Moreover, it will help avoid common mistakes and increase productivity.

Using an All-in-One HR and Payroll Software will streamline the company’s HR processes. GreatDay HR also offers mobile HR support, so it is possibleto keep up with the company’s employees wherever they are. The software is also easy to use and enables the company to easily switch from paper-based to digital filing.



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Coral Lasalle