
Patient Pre-Screening – A Great Missed Opportunity For Today’s Trial Enrollment Process

Pre-screening prospective study participants is a standard procedure at most clinical research facilities. As such, it’s time-saving to identify people eligible for research before having them go through the informed consent process. A clinical research organization like Veristat can conduct pre-screening procedures in person, by phone, or in certain circumstances, online. It's crucial to recognize the role technology may play in this process. Whatever the data collection method, trial leaders must first examine the questions and any supporting script to ensure the supplied materials do not go beyond the inclusion/exclusion criteria parameters. Most clinical trial leaders look to take pre-screening...

How Laundromat Owners Are Responding Post Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of businesses, including laundromats. Fortunately, the laundromat business model has proven to be economy and crisis-resistant, as people will still need to have their clothes cleaned no matter what. With that said, that doesn’t mean laundromats stuck to their same strategies and plans. There are things laundromat owners are now doing to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, and they have implemented these strategies and procedures even during a post-pandemic world. From cleaning laundry parts from Laundry Replacement Parts down to ensuring everyone’s safety in the facilities, here are some of the ways laundromat owners...

Your Guide to Data Compliance

Data compliance may sound like a harmless term. All you need to do is to manage and protect data and things will go well, won’t they? You don’t need your employees to go through cybersecurity learning! But wait, before you stick to that belief, think about how much data your business really handles. Do you know where all that data comes from and who else can access it? If yes, great! But even then, how can you make sure that all the data you create and receive is accurate, protected, and complete? Moreover, what will happen to the business if...

Ways to Control Dust During Your Next Remedial Project

Industrial dust is a long-known nuisance in construction sites. It is a major threat to workers’ health and as such a massive compliance risk. Businesses that don’t implement effective dust suppression methods are at risk of reduced productivity and legal penalties. Below are four practical and cost-effective dust prevention methods for industrial sites that ensure employees are safe and comply with legal regulations. Leverage the power of misting cannons Dust is a persistent, day-to-day problem in industrial and construction sites. Dust control in these workplaces is easy and efficient using powerful misting cannons. These machines use atomized mist technology to...

Facts About Commercial Laundry Equipment Everyone Should Know

Are you planning to start a laundromat and wondering what equipment to purchase? The kind of equipment you acquire affects your business in many ways. For one, its speed and cycle time influences the amount of laundry you can handle. As such, it is essential to be keen and choose a Girbau North America coin operated washing machine that meets your business needs. Here are some of the factors to consider when choosing. The type of machine Today's market offers a wide variety of commercial laundry equipment. Washers and dryers come in small, medium, and big sizes. The All-in-one machines...