
Without these FIVE basics, investing in digital marketing is baseless

It is undeniable that digital transformation has brought profound changes to marketing. Access to new technologies has triggered different behaviors and changed the way people deal with brands. Customers have gained more voice and power, which has changed the way they relate to companies. Traditional marketing is no longer enough to attract the digital audience. More than thinking about an innovative action, marketers need solutions that generate engagement, integrating the different channels through which the customer passes. Interaction Today's digital marketing promotes interaction with customers and prospects. For this, intense planning is required for different means of relationship. For the...

Unique features of ULIP Policy

  ULIP stands for unit linked insurance plan. To help you achieve your wealth targets and manage them well, a ULIP policy is what you need. A ULIP policy is a combination of an insurance plan, which includes both medical as well as term insurance and an investment in equities. If you make an investment in ULIP policy, then the funds you invest are segregated into different components. A minor amount goes towards your health and term insurance needs and the remainder of the investment sum goes towards equities. The major point in favour of an investment in ULIP policy...